Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Library visit

Library visit
Originally uploaded by amfm429
Here is a distinguished visitor to the public library in Camden, Maine.

Camden Harbor

Camden Harbor
Originally uploaded by amfm429
Beautiful Camden harbor, in the town of Camden, Maine, which inspired Edna St. Vincent Millay to write the poem "Renascence."

Monday, July 9, 2007

Things 1 & 2. I looked over the goals of Library 2.0, and am beginning the journey of looking for clues into the new technology.
Lifelong learning enriches my life with new information, and knowledge, leading to fulfillment and success.
On this journey I need to remember that attitude is the key, and that I can get by with a little help from my friends and colleagues. I'll be looking for clues, and sharing the journey with others. Well, here is my first post, thing 3.