Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The prize, thing 23

Hey, blogteam, here I come at last across the finish line! I'm worn out from all this blogging. Since I procrastinated so long, the last couple of weeks have been quite intense.

I'm happy that I completed these exercises in Learning 2.0. Though not always easy or comfortable, it was often fun, and always informative. I caught a glimpse into the new web based technologies, and feel that, though I am not an expert, at least I now have a clue about such mysterious things as Flickr, blogging, mashups, RSS, wikis, image generators, tagging, etc. I will need to review the discovery exercises from time to time, so that I will not forget what I have learned. I plan to revisit my Bloglines account, and to check back on the news feeds that I added to my blog. I also plan to continue to use Library Thing to connect with book lovers everywhere. I like the idea of tagging, and following the tag trail of others to gain more knowledge, though I have not done much tagging of my own so far. I will probably not use Technorati again, though it is nice to know about it. I thought that wikis were valuable, and a great way to share with others.

I like the collaborative aspect of Learning 2.0, connecting and networking with others on the web, and sharing information. I think that our library will need to connect in new ways with patrons, and continue to offer more web based services.

Thanks to Agatha and Sara, and all of the bloggers at Austintown. You have helped me immensely along the way. I also thank my hubbie, George, who encouraged me to see this project through, and is always there for me.


Blogteam said...

Congratulations on completing the 23 Things, glad you stuck with it. Keep on blogging and learning!

Awad said...
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Awad said...

YEAH! Congrats! Doesn't it feel just GREAT! Now you could have that Martini! Great Blog!